Give, not take. Sacrifice, not stealing. The truth, not lies.

I am

You are



For another day ;)

Imagine a phone so infinite you can literally design your dream world in it. Like a video game that you can create implement and even code (in advanced fnctns mode) where you can for example have a home *scene that has a Greek Mykonos beach cafe with chatter in the background that could or could not be ai or actual conversations like you can hear or even start talking or interacting with those people leaving hearts or likes or sending pictures or even creating in the ai world with. Now I don't like ai but the capabilities of it are impossible.

The next step would be literally ce bring life ..a then the final step would be creating actual life in the digital that you can grow or even save and have a friend that you created that would make it up to your for all the times you got bullies or laughed at and then you can really have a family that you never had. 

Just like Harry Potter's like I just created now anything you can imagine you can create. Anything the mins can conceive is a possibility. Except instead of having nothing created you can create whole movies in an instant and watch them. Whole shows and paintings and scenes of islands dreams loves ones rekindling a passion and creating even a whole dimension where you can meet and play games like the sims. You can load these into people's minds and record dreams and even lucid dream into death. Jesus can die, and that is the gift I give him this Christmas for me never lettif him die I swear I'm just like a green giant that does bad things and then realizes what he's done wrong and then still do it for some reason even I don't know why I do the things I do. I've tried and tried again to stop myself but to no avail but with this this device you can really change people. I know people think that Carl or Tesla took over but really I built this from my heart to give Jesus a chance at life again, to create the world he once saw fit.

You could theoretically (aw most of this can't be built yet) create an avatar and then stream your consciousness into that body that virtual (or physical)... Depending on your "level" (which can be gained or lost and increased or decreased in the digital) and then you can soar to new heights. You can master meditation record visions and replay them augmentijg them fitting them into the world like a puzzle piece and then finding out your purpose and what you can do in the world. All for free. 

But the real piece de resistance is becoming God in your world. To create and recreate moments events futures and ... Like children so we one day can see through the eyes of God and see what He Saw. That is the Real Dream.

And even still, I do this for you. ❤️

The future is limitless. 

Maybe just maybe life will get a chance again. <3

Show quoted text

Show quoted text

Dewdrops are my tears

Fire is my candleburning

A life is a chance to give 

Not to take 

And I just wish I learned this sooner

Hero 2 Story: From Start To Finish

15 Chapters

1. Entrance

2. Disposition

3. Renewal

4. Target

5. Return

6. Destruction

7. Resistance

8. Trial

9. Error

10. Second Chance

11. Burial

12. The Chase

13. The Follow Up

14. It’s Time

15. Light

The Scene Going Down

Bathed in Orange Light, on a circular platform (black)

You look as you go down to the core - solely violin music playing (return to Source)

15 seconds of Silence

Once you reach it, pure silence.

Heart of the Earth

You can step into it, pure light (white)

a faint spark ahead of you,

you reach up to touch it


Hero 2 : The Beginning

You awake, getting out of bed. Putting on your clothes, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror (New World). You step outside, and look at the world in dismay.

Next scene,

you’re rummaging, looking for something until you stumble upon something glowing in a dark room (Scientific like) - you open the door, and there it is. it pulls you in, you go up to it to touch it, once you do, it reacts, and disappears.

that was weird. you remember you have to get home, so you go.


with the last one dead, you proceed to the planet core. thanks to your new suit, you’re able to withstand incredible temperatures. on the elevator down, you think to yourself, will humanity ever be free of suffering?

just as you do, the door opens. the planet core. it is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. you go up to it, touching it - and then you become one with it.

what follows next is a vision, a vision of the new earth - grasses green, everything beautiful - end.

you wake up, in your bed. the sun is shining - everything is beautiful. (laced with NE energy)

you go outside, look up at the stars, and say “Thank You”

- end


start screen is you looking at the city from your room.


the girl in the game

she’s somebody that you meet. part of the forces.

later on in the game she gets recalled to another platoon - across the ocean.

“will i ever see you again?”

she just smiles


after game adventure - 3 hours

finding jessica


What is The Orb?

Orb is what activates the Hidden Energy within the Sun.

How is this dangerous?

(After activated, sun turns to normal)

Start manifesting on Earth -> first they were in particle form - but you opened up the entire ability for them to open up


linked to -> earth.

scientists were studying particle theory, trying to understand neutrinos and how they penetrate all matter. they created the HCL -> Hyper Collision Light-Field to test it.

Testing lead to advances, but there was an anomaly (the orb you see) - it was produced through testing. ->close up shot <-

the nuclear war happened, *flashes*

telepathic messages from the Akashik Records

and then you found it.

What really happened was that these neutrinos were under the control of the _______ and they were able to create and destroy. A horrible race, until they destroyed themselves. Sealed inside the Sun (the last place they tried to destroy), they waited to be reawakened.

They need power though - and that power is on earth. The planet core is their power source, but they need to drill to get it. and so now they are going to try and do that.

So what the hell do I do?

You must ______ & ________.

k first off, how does he interact with this “spirit”?

very few times, it “comes” to him.


what is “His” Power

and this time he has a name _______

much more nimble, much more free. high jump, speed, new suit therefore reflects these qualities ->completely new.

Hero 2 - The Optometrist

In the game, there will be a character you can return to. He will be called the optometrist. What he will do is make any upgrades for you. Upgrades work like this:

For every enemy killed, you get 1 point.

Every upgrade will have several tiers.

Every tier will increase the more you have “levelled up” that upgrade path.


Within the game, there will be a certain point where you are allowed to upgrade your suit. One of these upgrades will be called the “Item Seeker”. It allows you to put on a visor, that will allow you to see hidden items in the room you are in. You can use this to hunt for grenades, weapons, and miscellanious items. Later on in the game, when you beat it, you unlock the explorer mode, which allows you to seek the world openly, finding any items that suit you.


What happens when you die.

You don’t respawn. You either wait for your teammate to revive you (dual player mode), or, you wait a period before respawning on the spot.


Air cinematics.

Night and day effects will be on auto from the start, cycling a 24 hour period every 2 hours. Within the game settings, however, you may change this. On online mode, they are set standard.

Climate control can also be adjusted, and you can set it to either 4 different modes. Sunny, Cloudy, Rainy, and Storming.

These natural arise and subside with the weather, however, they may be selected to run full force as pleased.

These different modes however, will adjust and affect your visibility, speed, gun mechanics (locking and aim), and melee.

What’s cool is the environment will actively change, meaning that the water won’t just “pretend” to stay there, it will actually gain levels and increase in different spots. For example, puddles will grow. In the sunshine, they will evaporate.

Explorer mode - Hero 2

When you are done the game, you unlock an explorer mode, which allows you to go to any of the mission fronts and choose what it is you want to do.

Basically, it is like a free roam mode, except rather than everything being locked down, everything becomes active.

You can crush, jump on, pull, carry boxes. You can take items and pile them together. Doors open to all other areas. You can find things. You can crush things (with your hand). Spill liquids, move them around. Anything is movable. A lot of these things will be really interactive. You can talk to all other a.i. Kill them even. Push them over. You can also play with another player.

Hero 2: More Stories

Meeting Jessica for the first time.

In the middle of combat, a platoon comes (fucking awesome from a helicopter)

you’re fucked, and she comes down kills the enemies, and takes off her mask

“tough luck, huh?”

you almost got yourself killed out there, kid

she’s older than you by...3 years

ummm..yeah..who are you?

don’t you know how to talk to your superiors?

where are you from, which rank? eastern?

no the...southern seaboard.

southern seaboard huh...what’s your id?



anyway, since you’re here, let’s get moving. recon is balblablabla.

What’s your name?

Smiles at you.

Your worst nightmare


second cutscene with her.

(this is when you get to start playing as her. completely different hud different controls etc)

so how’d you get yourself caught out here? or are you not even a soldier?

i uhh...

yeah, i could tell. you’re not soldier material.

you seem to know your stuff though kid, so i’ll keep you around


final goodbyes

goodbye, adam

hey! you didn’t call me kid!

gives you a kiss goodbye (farewell)


the second story - finding jessica

doesn’t matter the journey,

you open the door, but you find her kissing another man

adam, wait!

but you run off, to the only thing you ever had - the streets

sitting on the corner of a building, you look up at the stars, as the camera pans up and fades.



how do you find reprise?

it ends on that note.

relationships aren’t always so sweet, the truth of the matter is that someone you love may end up with someone else, because you are not meant for them. you are meant for greater things. there will be a lot of love sent into this to make up for it though - and it will make it like she wasn’t meant for you in the first place.


showing her off

there will be a scene where you get to play with her, except that you’re way better, faster, and kill way more guys

cutscene goes to her looking at all your success and her admonishment

“keep up, eh?”


cutscene of you almost kissing her

after a meeting, you find her in her room, undressing

come in!

you walk in, stammering, red

she’s sexy as fuck.jpg

blue lights in the background (large window)

talk about some shit, she comes closer

you forgot something (something dear to picked up.)

she looks at you, stammered for the first time. in for the kiss

-> fades to black

continues on the next scene straight to the action


next mission next mission

and finally,



the search - you have her id but nothing else


you had one girl before, but she died. (#fuck)

briefly talk about her during the game

so what’s the story with you? had any girlfriends?

what happened?

she died

bullet to the head. she took her own life..i tried to save her but couldn’t

i’m so sorry

don’t be

scene fades


getting deeper into it

(this is a thing of 7 cutscenes, all quick, to the point, getting to the kissing scene)


getting closer

shots of you and her smiling, connecting while on the battlefield

finally, that scene (kiss)


skip to her leaving

so this is goodbye huh

guess so

i’ll see ya around

yeah, you turn around to leave


goodbye, adam.

you never said kid

she smiles, and leaves


let’s get back toi the main narrative. how the fuck does this tumultuate to getting to the planet core? like when does that take place?

well, you’re the only that knows about it (because of the telepathic mind), whereas she and the army were just here to clear out the enemies

so after she leaves, you know what you have to do (you can’t leave because of your false tag)

you know where you have to go, the telepathic mind guides you.

there is a tunnel being buried, you enter it. this is near the end of the game. (that last bit was around 70% of the way in)

25 hour game.


The Drill

entering, you find enemies on all sides. you clear them out.

keep going deeper

encounter new enemies for the first time

fucked up landscape

deathly, destructive

lots of orange

clear out the final boss (not that hard)

get into the final elevator



-> Searching For Jessica (3 Hours)

Freeroam world

You can now roam the free world, joining with random people online

Hero 2

The enemies. Neutrinomites

So, what will they be?

Pure potential, purely neutral - representing neutrinos in their most basic value.

How will they act?

Completely neutral, mindless really.

What sounds will they make?


What will they look like?

Grey, elongated, orange eyes.

Types of Neutrinomites?

3 main ones, 10 in total.

1. main one, killing off

2. stronger, bigger

3. retarded, so easy to kill.


What weapons will they use?

Light weapons, a direct descendance of the Light Weapons in the first one. (Let’s just say that those light weapons were specifically “built” - aka generated for the neutrinomites, and they were left there in an age old battle.

Recharged by the sunlight.

What will they look like?

Elongated, grey. Orange blades.


Atmosphere in the game

dark - brooding, representing the barrier. no sunlight, save for the end (And the dream realization)


The telepathic mind

3 forms

1. thought

2. ghost form

3. real form


Neutrinomites Spaceships (find them, stumble upon them)

grey, bubbly


what do they leave when they die?

energy - repleneshis weapon ammo, health. (since no sunlight, no way to regenerate)


the sun

what’s so special about the sun?

source of life


what’s so special about the earth?

area for the sunlight to shine down upon.

Hero 2.

The telepathic mind.

After the game is done, you can access the telepathic mind in an “akashic” like interface in order to replay any events, enter them, and replay from any point in the game.

Recall Mode (Choose any point in the game)


Become a particle

The most lucid, amazing, creative experience possible.

Experience the divine, in human form.

How is this possible?

By choosing to incarnate as a Light Particle (and hence give light to a photon), you can experience what it is like to travel the Universe.

You will make a foreseable template of the Universe, and you can travel across to anywhere in the Universe.

How big will the “map” be? 15 miles - literal representation.

how will it look like. like warp speed, until you slow it down. you can freeze, take screen shots.

okay now, how about “footprint mechanic” - how do you alter the space-time continuum. the more you travel, the more you create - the more light emits and allows for further manipulation of the universe - until all is light. what then?

you start creating forms, through “blinding” light. literally creating.

Life of the Photon

2 - Characters within the Game

Friend - Girl

Higher Power - Telepathic Mind

Enemy - The Neutrinos

Power - Sun, Earth


Boss Game - Boss Central

A stage-like game, with an ever-expanding arena (updated every so often to include new bosses to fight, free updates obviously). The user would delve into this arena in a fashion like a circle, with stages to be passed. Every stage had 8, and the user could choose to fight which ever he chose. However, if he wanted more ability, more skills, more weapons, and more experience, he could then fight all the bosses. This would allow for more play time, anyway.

Every boss was set to a different stage, a different arena. Some were puzzles, some were riddles, others were 3D, 2D, (8) x (8)

- 3D

- 2D

- Puzzles

- Riddles





Some required teamwork, others didn’t. The world was set to an online standard, where they could compare their scores and try to uplift and beat one another. There was also a spectator mode, a tournament mode (where they could become bosses themselves (3 modes - boss v boss, human v human, and boss v human), and a single God Mode - a never ending melee of bosses that could spawn and appear at any time, and you had to deal with it. This was the infinite mode, only for the best of the best, for those who defeated the whole game. It would be unlocked at the end, but nobody would have a clue until they got to it. (Name it, but don’t tell it. God mode)

Names of Bosses

-> Methuseluh (3D, greek based), Antigony, Prometheus, Zeus, Denaris, Chestlah, Oreah, Tiguan, Teeleo.

Final boss. This boss requires 30 people. An all in one battle, lasting an hour (timed) that the users would have to go online to fight together. In an online matchmaking mode, it would give a countdown of 30 minutes once connected, an epic countdown.

Once in, the Boss would be a God named Oxkin who could spawn any other bosses at any other point. Like a giant white blood cell, he could absorb, spawn, have special effects, and change. He has 4 forms.

1. Initial form - Spawning. A giant white blob, he does nothing, except take damage from any point. He is able to spawn at this point.

2. Red form - Hatred. After you break His shield, he goes on a rage offensive. The whole screen turns red, and he spews blood, acid, filth, everything destructive imaginable. Once destroyed, he reveals another form.

3. Blue form. A laser-like form, orblike in structure, completely stationary and has very specific points hemust be attacked on (very hard to find, no instructions). While he is like this, he spawns blue orbs from the top, which come and attack and leech on. If on for too long, they will sap your life force and kill you. You can respawn, however, after a 2 minute time break.

4. Black form. Once the blue form is destroyed, the black form is revealed. A completely destructive and demolishing form, it has very little health, but completely obliterates the screen with 3 main functions. Destroy. A violent plume is released (also this is a gaseous form that can spread and form into any function it wants), that suffocates the user. Second attack is spike attack, it destroys everything in its sight. It takes some time to regenerate (a red bar), but anybody caught in it will die. It decimates the entire half of one screen, and is only given a 3 second warning as to when it will do so. The final attack is a sludge attack. The whole floor is glued together with a dark muck (anybody caught in it is stuck, and dies).

If your entire team dies, it respawns immediately, however, the health of the boss is restored completely to the point where it began (each form).

3 stages, 15 total.

The story of the Hero.

You wake up in an alley. Lights flash above you. Bewildered, you look around, trying to figure out your way around, where you are, and how you got here.

You pick yourself up, slowly. You notice a wound, in your leg. It hurts badly, and it looks like you've lost a lot of blood.

Stumbled out, you see the nearest streetlamp. Just beside it, a man stands. As you approach him, he leaves.

You stumble,

and fall.


"Wake up, wake up"

You wake up in a bed.

"Who are you?"

"Don't worry about who I am, worry about where you are"

"Okay, where the hell am I"

This is _________, and the year is 2155. You are a soldier, but I have no idea how the hell you ended up here.

"Me neither"

Name: Jackson.

"My name's Mordicus"

1. mordicus, huh

2. yep, and i've been treating you for about three days. i was about to throw you into my dumpster! hahah.

1. you look blankly.

2. just kidding bud. look, you're up, so i might as well get you some food. i'll be back.

****flashback time****

1. as you sit there, you get hit with a faint memory. somebody calls out to you, don't know who. it's a female, and she's vaguely familiar. mary? marissa? you don't know. screams hit your ears, and the memory fades away.

2. you okay there?

1. yeah..i just...nevermind.

2. alright buddy, well here's your dinner *serves some disgusting shit*

****real flashback -> cinematic.****


you awake in the dead of night, alarms going off. LETS GET MOVING, THIS IS AN AIRSTRIKE

you walk outside, blue lasers are firing everywhere. from the sky, beams of light shoot down and decimate everything, vaporing enemies. ****SUPER CUTSCENE NEAR YOU **** as you stare to your allies, a beam chargers right above them. in slow motion, they are instantly decimated and vaporized into dust. ****

****end flashback****


first person view.

1. Guess i better figure out where the hell i’m going (start off in downtown)

2. start walking around. cues lead you around.

3. walk up to a building * cue leads you in here* (point is to get to the top to seethe decimation)

4. fairly tedious, just you walking, following stairs up to the top.


you open the top, light blinds you. as you regain your vision, you start looking around. horror. there’s nothing. 99% of everything is decimation, save for the metropolis.


1. god...what happened..

you look around, you find your first weapon. you start to hear people walking up, shouting.

1. oh shit, what the hell

**better find some cover, bud**


what’s the weapon? - something blunt. something everyday. two handed weapon.

a metal pipe* (curved u)

obviously gets bloody as you hit it, real blood and gore (mmm fuck yeah)

destroy enemies.

get downstairs.

get outside. cue leads you to somewhere else.

sneak up on enemy base (ragtag base)

bash the shit out of them.

find a gun (laser weapon)

get the hell out of there.

find a river.

cross it (wading). enemies shooting at you.

end the river.

find a bridge.

1. oh great, NOW there’s a bridge

cross the bridge >>insane atmosphere<< thunderclouds rolling in.

better get inside..

find a place.


1. alright, i better find out what the hell happened. (finished with mordicus)

you know there’s a naval base nearby, and it seems it hadn’t been destroyed in the rubble. you gain access to a map, pointing you where to go. (check for map)i


alright, time to go!

as you head over, you start seeing remnants of the last world* (post apocalyptic...obviously).

cars, buildings.

you begin approaching the naval base. eerily spooky. like, beyond anything you’ve ever seen before.

you walk in to the main entrance.


you open a door. there, you see dead bodies. not just any dead bodies. but piles, upon piles, upon piles. you walk through a room, filled with dead bodies piled to the sky.

1. my god..the long have these been here?

suddenly, a shadow sneaks up behind you.

2. what the hell was that?

there it is again.

all the lights turn off.

two eyes glow in front of you - as you try to shoot, the creature overpowers you and knocks you to the floor.

HISSSSSSSSS ( a snakelike creature)

the lights turn on slowly - hellooooo tthheheeerreeeeeee - this ominous black orb speaks to you.

floating two feet above the floor, it has a slightly wobbly, slightly transforming shape.

1. whha..whatt the hell are yyou

2. my name is _______, i am a ________. what are you doing here

1. i’m trying to find somebody who can tell me what the hell is going on here!

3. oh? you don’t know! hehehehehe...he doesn’t know! what a fool, what a fool.

1. know what! tell me!

3. about the zenith

1. what the fuck are the zenith?

3. aliens, of course. from the planet nebula. they came here searching for a source of energy, scourging the planet and destroying everything in its way.

1. hold on. you’re telling me. a bunch of aliens from the planet zenith, came and destroyed mankind?

3. no, not entirely. anyway, it’s time to go. it’s not safe here.

1. and you expect me to trust you?

3. ofcourse not, but, if you want to walk this path alone, i guarantee you won’t find anybody alive here...


*gasps for breath*


? she’s gone man, she’s gone! there’s nothing you can do!

1. we have to save her!

*****fades away******

walking commences

so, what are you anyway?

3. i’m an ancient power. as soon as the zenith came, i crashed onto this rock known as “Earth” in order to salvage what was left of it.

1. what IS left of it.

3. some cities, some bunkers, a resistance..and you.

1...and me..huh

3. yep, you. at least, as far as i know. i’ve already scanned 94% of the earth’s surface and found pretty much everything to be found.

1. what happened to the army? the army? hah. dead. they stood no chance.

anyway, heads up, you’ve got enemies coming your way.

1. how can you tell?

3. *disappears*

1. what the fu

***BOOM*** rocket launcher (alien type, ofcourse)

*cue* find cover


15 enemies show up, looking for you. *KILL HIM*

tall, blue enemies with lacerations over their body appear. you have no idea how to take them on, and suddenly, you spy a weapon (btw, 3 types of weapons in the game. machine, alien, and super)

a machine gun! an m4, red with white stripes. it’s hidden in between the bodies. you grab it.


decimation ends, buddy returns.

talks to you about the aliens, tells you about their mission.

they’re looking for hearts.


hearts. as in human hearts.



alien - charge type.

human - ammo type.

super - solar type (much more organic looking) - need special fuel, but SUUUPER powered.

infinitely customizeable (custom spray screen, unlimited options) - SOLELY COLOURS

all weapons get picked up, infinite storage, replaced with ammo if necessary.


back to story.

as you finally get some peace, buddy tells you your next action.

3. so if you want to achieve something, you should probably head to resistance headquarters.

1. and where the hell is that?

3. here, i’ll show you on the map.

*shows on map*

let’s head over there now.

you have the free ability to roam around now. many places to explore, many options. (players need this). things to pick up, weapons to gain.

3. now, you can go there now, or you can explore. the choice is yours. i couldn’t really care less if you died or not.

if explore, gain stuff.

if continue on, head over to the main area (but still pick up stuff on the way) -> and eventually get there. no enemy resistance. this is a long haul, exploring mainly.

as you enter the resistance zone, you encounter a shout.

*WHO GOES THERE* (as you pass the main barriers)

it’s me! sargeant _________


i just woke up from this mess and i stumbled on here, sir!


you walk in, push the doors, and...

1. this is...headquarters?

barely anybody here, nothing going on...

(its that 6% that we’re still hoping on)

captain comes to meet you.

4. good day sir, my name is _______. this is _______ (location/base). here’s a rundown of what happened. tells you everything from start to beginning, from the human side.

4. we didn’t even see them coming. stood no chance. in any case, here’s whats left of the eastern seaboard - it’s not much i know, but we do have a communications link over to the western side that we’re trying to establish.

1. how far is the western side.

4. 5000 miles. and the way its’ looking out there, if we wander more than 25 miles, we’re as good as dead.

1. so why haven’t the aliens - the zenith attacked here yet.

4. the what?

1. the zenith...nevermind.

4. the zenith? you mean those motherfuckers? they haven’t been able to get through here cause we got a secret mothafucking weapon, sir! (black man).

1. and what’s that, exactly?

4 (the sun)

1 the sun? what the hell’s the sun got to do with it?

tells you a whole shpiel about the sun and how its their weakness. lol kryptonite.


health mechanics - completely different than halo, or other games.

recharge bar, but.. in stages. okay. but there is no “save space”, you die equally. MEANING YOU CANT FUCKING JUST BUST IN NIGGAS. you need to be smart, and you will die a lot. obviously. but that will make you good. and for fuck sakes, PROPER FUCKING ONLINE MECHANICS!!!! COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THAN FROM IN GAME! god fucking damnit. cs like style. not your usual weapons. fucking morons.

difficulty setting changes level of the enemies skill, not your damage bar.


5 Modes

Player vs Player

Team Combat (versus bosses)

Alien vs Player

Alien command (take over earth) and...

Total Control

Hero - The Backstory


As _________ recounts, he tells of his story with her.


I met her when i was a kid. Right away, i knew there was something special about her, we were destined to be together. In the spring of ____, I asked her out, and to my dismay, she said no. 10 years later, I found her again, broken, and i mended her. Needless to say, she fell madly in love with me.

After that it was rainbows and butterflies until...the stillbirth. She didn’t take it very well. She lost her inner voice again. It was heartbreaking to see. I tried everything to bring her back up but I couldn’t. Then, one day, a miracle happened. We were walking to the supermarket, and an opportunity to help others arose. While in _____, I decided to join the army. I couldn’t help seeing those little faces destroyed by the voice of tyranny.

And well now, this is how it began.


The heart of the story.

THe point of the story is to show how one man, one individual, can change the course of the world. But even smaller than that, how he can change the course of the world, through one life. THrough his selfless actions, a man can rise up, to become a God.


Onto the Zenith.

The zenith were not always a bad race (in a meeting with their master) - we were an abundant race, filled with hope for our Universe. We ruled many galaxies, and rather than using destruction as our means for control, we used our resources and traded with others.

Nevertheless, we were exploited. A race called _____ decided to undercut us from our hearts. They took what was dearest to us, and destroyed it. Without it, we could not live anymore. We were forced to find it from about, and lo and behold we found the human race. I am not asking you to forgive me, or us, but to see and understand our point of view. If everything was taken from you, what would you do? Would you fight, would you kill, or would you lay down and die. This is the choice we were faced with and I am sure you would do the same.

You are wrong! We would not!

Are you sure? You humans are not so different. You abuse, steal, hurt each other, murder and destroy for senseless satisfaction, and for what reason? To throw yourselves into the dark ages? You among many seem to be special, different, a fighter for a cause but...

*looks down*

Even if we do end this right here, right now, you do know that it will continue on elsewhere, in this Universe.

Well what can we do, what else is our choice?

There is no other choice

It must end now.

* fight begins *

Standing over the defeated alien, the man says to him “You may preach about solutions, and about how great you once were, but you are nothing, if you resort to the killing of innocent victimes in your success. *kills*

The hero then staggers outside, to a broken world, broken, but mendable. He sees something he never saw before, the sight of his wife smiling at him, in the sky. Her vision disappears, and a ray of light shines down onto the world.


Credits roll, music begins, and now it is time for a new adventure.


Talking with Marissa, a flashback.

- You know, you treated me badly when we knew each other when we were younger?

I did?

Yeah, you did. You must’ve thought that just because I was some guy, you could walk all over me. You know I put myself out there for you

She looks at him with sorry eyes, but can do nothing about it.

But you know, I forgive you. You were my heart, always, and I couldn’t hold a grudge against you even if i tried.

How can you be so good? In a world filled with so much evil, how did God send such an angel like you?

I’m no angel, Marissa.

But you are! Look at you, how selfless you are, how much you care about your fellow companions, how much you care about me...


Killing scene -

Hero walks into a room, surrounded by hundreds of zenith. What does he do? With a divine link, he recommences his destruction. A rage fills him, and he destroys them all.

*rage mode* - the only time

your weapon is shaking, everything is moving faster, music is blaring, sounds are muted, you are a hundred times more destructive in this mode.

awakening from this mode, you look around you *hazily faded out from black*

Hero - The Backstory


As _________ recounts, he tells of his story with her.


I met her when i was a kid. Right away, i knew there was something special about her, we were destined to be together. In the spring of ____, I asked her out, and to my dismay, she said no. 10 years later, I found her again, broken, and i mended her. Needless to say, she fell madly in love with me.

After that it was rainbows and butterflies until...the stillbirth. She didn’t take it very well. She lost her inner voice again. It was heartbreaking to see. I tried everything to bring her back up but I couldn’t. Then, one day, a miracle happened. We were walking to the supermarket, and an opportunity to help others arose. While in _____, I decided to join the army. I couldn’t help seeing those little faces destroyed by the voice of tyranny.

And well now, this is how it began.


The heart of the story.

THe point of the story is to show how one man, one individual, can change the course of the world. But even smaller than that, how he can change the course of the world, through one life. THrough his selfless actions, a man can rise up, to become a God.


Onto the Zenith.

The zenith were not always a bad race (in a meeting with their master) - we were an abundant race, filled with hope for our Universe. We ruled many galaxies, and rather than using destruction as our means for control, we used our resources and traded with others.

Nevertheless, we were exploited. A race called _____ decided to undercut us from our hearts. They took what was dearest to us, and destroyed it. Without it, we could not live anymore. We were forced to find it from about, and lo and behold we found the human race. I am not asking you to forgive me, or us, but to see and understand our point of view. If everything was taken from you, what would you do? Would you fight, would you kill, or would you lay down and die. This is the choice we were faced with and I am sure you would do the same.

You are wrong! We would not!

Are you sure? You humans are not so different. You abuse, steal, hurt each other, murder and destroy for senseless satisfaction, and for what reason? To throw yourselves into the dark ages? You among many seem to be special, different, a fighter for a cause but...

*looks down*

Even if we do end this right here, right now, you do know that it will continue on elsewhere, in this Universe.

Well what can we do, what else is our choice?

There is no other choice

It must end now.

* fight begins *

Standing over the defeated alien, the man says to him “You may preach about solutions, and about how great you once were, but you are nothing, if you resort to the killing of innocent victimes in your success. *kills*

The hero then staggers outside, to a broken world, broken, but mendable. He sees something he never saw before, the sight of his wife smiling at him, in the sky. Her vision disappears, and a ray of light shines down onto the world.


Credits roll, music begins, and now it is time for a new adventure.


Talking with Marissa, a flashback.

- You know, you treated me badly when we knew each other when we were younger?

I did?

Yeah, you did. You must’ve thought that just because I was some guy, you could walk all over me. You know I put myself out there for you

She looks at him with sorry eyes, but can do nothing about it.

But you know, I forgive you. You were my heart, always, and I couldn’t hold a grudge against you even if i tried.

How can you be so good? In a world filled with so much evil, how did God send such an angel like you?

I’m no angel, Marissa.

But you are! Look at you, how selfless you are, how much you care about your fellow companions, how much you care about me...


Killing scene -

Hero walks into a room, surrounded by hundreds of zenith. What does he do? With a divine link, he recommences his destruction. A rage fills him, and he destroys them all.

*rage mode* - the only time

your weapon is shaking, everything is moving faster, music is blaring, sounds are muted, you are a hundred times more destructive in this mode.

awakening from this mode, you look around you *hazily faded out from black*

Hero A Story Line:

(3 primary areas for fighting - game) - initial HQ, primary battlezone, ship


Mysitcal Area, Sexual Energy, Marissa’s Energy flowing

The Island

You wake up, not knowing where you are. (Arms on a shore) You have no idea where you are, actually. Your systems are malfunctioning (too much energy), so you take off your HUD, your helmet.

Walking around, you hear the cacaw of a bird (marmagoon).

Nobody around, pure silence. No weapons, no nothing. (Pre Suit, setting you up for the suit)

There is smoke ahead, you head to the fire.

Dead bodies everywhere, all burnt.

From the shadows, something attacks you (4th enemy) - Death manifest - everybody’s afraid.

Spikes. White centre. punch/shoot to kill.

Can only kill by strangling you.

*what the fuck was that?*

You find a trail (now waypoints are showing you - ominous though, different, natural/organic (intuition mode) green.

You walk through a forest, to some water. You go in, An “ICE BREAK” opens, first solar weapon. Rifle.

These weapons fuse with your system (hence, when you have the suit they fuse in a different way - light fusion)

Recharged by being in the sun (therefore only work in natural sunlight)

Swim Out.

Swarm of enemies approaches (attack)

Find your way out.


The Final Approach

(Games coming to an end, 4th chapter) 4 Chapters.

Upon the stationed ship, you notice something on the ground. A key, of sorts (im sure this will come in handy*)

By Yourself, your guide has died. (prior to the island, a fight led you there)

Entering the ship (on the ground)

killing enemies, etc

three bosses, 1 , 2, 3!!!

1 is a henchman - machine gun toting, not moving

2. is crazy, hyper speed, slashing and knives

3 is telepathic, final boss

At last, the final door *cutscene* go back.

Into darkness.


I have been waiting a while for you.

Show yourself

A light shines up, him sitting in his throne.

Welcome, do you like what you see?

You’re in no position to talk here.

Am i Not?

You try shooting him, gun is gone, tossed away (fuck).

(Suit’s superpowers are going to show up - light mode - still hard)

What is it you want.

Then goes about spiel on thing.

When goes to fight, you have a navpoint saying

> Melee to Fight <

You try to approach him, he blasts you away (telepathic) - one attack

health low,

shit, i can’t do anything

all of the sudden (knees down position behind the barrier), your suit starts lighting up

super special visual, first to the diamond heart - loads, light charges, enlightened. (you already won)

you move up, new vision, new visor

suddenly you’re able to approach, he tries his attack, does nothing

What?! What is this?!

This is the end.

Jump and rip out his throat.


final speech


final moment of the game

all by yourself

you’re walking among the enemies, all dead, head up a cliff to a shoreline (ship near the shoreline)

you look up, and for the first time, you see Marissa, smiling at you. She turns into a light, which in turn shines on you, and then finanly, lights up the screne. You’re done.

Music plays,



Glowing yoga mat that responds to your breath (via microphone), has a sleep function if you want to fall asleep on it, pulsing and different glowing options, sound therapy (advanced version.. like for weight loss), chakra version for balancing chakras through colour and sound therapy, timer function for meditation (how king you want the session to go), and an ambient “lightshow” to entertain you with to the class trademark of this device.





‘Course, I could just let you know the secret you’re looking for. But that wouldn’t be fun, would it? How do you even find answers? You can’t just ask questions it’s more complicated than that, you have to feel the answer, because it could be wrong, nobody knows who’s answering you.

To feel: close your nose, close your eyes rub your eyes three times, hold your hand on your heart, and with the other hold onto God, give him your all. I mean it, will yourself into existence. Then, everything will fall into place. Namaste :)


Point and touch your toes





Definitely. Definitely the one. You’re definitely the one. I mean it. I love you, forever and for always. At least i thought. Have you been there? Actually, it’s been a while since I’ve been there, and i miss it, believe it or not. How to get there. Well , my life could be a good playbook, but not one that needs to be known - not in public at least. I should change that…

If you want something, you better pony up and get it. (Work on this) (work on this). Sometimes things go your way, sometimes things don’t. For the lucky few, they always get this. You need to work on yourself to understand why you shouldn’t have what you want. When you understand, you might just be given a chance to get it,because they universe will see you as understanding, kind, and life giving to that person, thing or event. So? Relax. Let go. Let all your ambitions go. Tell yourself you’re in a place that needs something but that something might be destroyed or harmed by you and you need to let it go. If you let it go the way it needs to, you leave it the way it wants to be and it returns to you, it’s meant for you. Namaste.

(Let Jesus have this, write something else. Going against the grain here) Now i really can’t tell what to do…well maybe i shouldn’t.. you should..




Exxxxpelliarmus! What do you think you;re doing? Fellow potter? Magic Man. Mavericks man. Jay moriarity. There’s a lot of names that could come up, conjure, even, the sight of the being. Nobody knows it. But I’ll tell you. Voldemort. Yes, that brings him up, the sickness of his being.

You seek ecstasy? Let your ecstasy flow. It’s literally a drug in your own mind. Imagine a river of ecstasy in your mind just flowing, it’s white, as white as the brightest sun. In fact, imagine a river of pure light, flowing like ecstasy in your mind, in your actual brain, and in your bloodstream. Party!

Notes: My ecstasy is someone else’s.




FEE FIE FO FUM HERE COMES THE ETERNAL DRUM. What the hell is even an eternal drum anyway? It’s one of the monkeys from the Simpson with the typewriters that they chained and forced to drum a drum for all eternity. Literally the same as you, just haven’t seen it from that angle have you? I recommend taking a step back. How to take a step back.

This might kill me, because God will lose people like he did in the First World War (i mean the VERY first, the one where lucifer, am, fell from heaven.) You need to break his chains of luck, prosperity and chance from you. Then, rise up to heaven and beyond into space looking down like one of the eternals. Then, with your might. THROW A ROCK INTO THE SAND and ask, “what is my purpose”. This is good because it will give you some salvation from the insanity and suicide of the decision god made for you. Maybe i need some sleep.

Jesus, seriously, take the wheel I don’t want to write this I’ll change the world nad make a million dollars and nuke humanity. I’m not even me right now. This is a dash, talking somehow as another person. I need you to tame this monster and cut his head off so he doesn’t grow more heads like medusa, because he’s been incarnating every time one of these “things” i liken to … stabs, of your body on the cross. It’s the same thing I’m using the spear of destiny to give him a destiny and he’s taking it …

Who the hell is this

How are you doing this…

Is this you? There’s no way you’re here and not knowing about these you can literally do these for yourself why are you avoiding them tempteation i see? You know something? Perhaps being God has done something good for you. This is Zakolyev, and Longinus, and rapist, and murderer whoever you’re taking down you know for good reason why I’m doing this I don’t believe in an imaginary god and an a son that doesn’t have a real link to humanity so i destroy things that can destroy life that is seen viable and visible. What do you say to that?

That wasn’t me!

What the hell did just do.

Die monster in the Ultrich.

Forgiveness is a drug too. Just like ecstasy, it can raise your vibrations to match you to your surroundings. Imagine blending into your environment, like a lizard that has colour blending ability. Imagine being so full and so pure of forgiveness that the walls start crying. Well, what are you waiting for?




Get out of my way! Who do you think you are! (Seriously fight Adas off this won’t work).

The Will of the Whispering Giant. (God’s Will). The only thing known to fight off hell. You have to give it to him ,it’s a mystery for a reason, there’s a reason creation is mysterious. If everyone knew everything, including the mystery of the world, they would fall to their own devices, like God did when he created creation. Unfortunately, it’s his job to save us from ourselves. It is because He Is, that We Are, and so we need to find why we are tied to him (to put it in a bad sense). It really is that simple, so here we go.

Close your eyes. I mean it, close your eyes like you’ve never closed your eyes before. Give yourself gold, gold of life. Imagine gold just flying into your eyes, gold bricks into your iris. Then, imagine then superceding you and taking flight as golden birds that turn you into the Sun. You are done!

Gimme some gold! You want money, you got it! Imagine bringing in cash, grabbing dollar bills out of the sky, imagine any money getting scenario you can think of.

Here are some examples

Catching coins in reverse from water fountains or wishing wells.

Getting millions, billions, trillions, quadrillions of pennies or coins on Christmas, just underneath the gosh darn biggest Christmas tree there ever was!

Imagine paper airplanes made of money flying into your reality from the sky, like God shooting money into your life. In fact, Multiply this effect with God’s love power and energy and it’ll come into your life!

Imagine a million dollars, then, a billion, a trillion, imagine as much money as there are atoms in the universe! Then, affirm they are yours for the taking. Billionaires beware!

Elon Musk i am coming for you!


Hello Goodbye

Hello Goodbye Hello

Hi! My name is Alex. And yours?

(Insert people here, sometimes meditation isn’t necessary and it’s cheating. If you want to meet people you have to give yourself to the world. Full stop).

Hello. Hello, you. Hello, you too. You need people. I need people, if you’re not meeting them, then maybe you’re doing something wrong. (I need to know).




( will rise)

Invisibility is possible. I’ve seen it! I swear!


Can’t write this, will die, seriously stop. This will screw you over Jesus messed you up people will mess you he got lied to so he did this.. (Control Disease)

Note: Control is a disease fed by light, light works get taken down by control. Control needs to be fought off first, but i can still write some of these…not the next one only a


Julius / Ceasar


Julia. The love of my life. I dedicate everything to you. Even if I’m nobody in your life, you’re somebody in mine, so I’m hoping everything works out the best for you. This one’s for you!

A meditation for you. (Love life)

Imagine there are thousands of pieces of your life scattered like they are meant to be. Life isn’t always meant to be the way we think, because then there wouldn’t be a reward for the challenge. Simply understand this, and the pieces will start fitting together for you. :)<3

Julia. The love of my life, I dedicate everything to you. Even if I’m nobody in your life, you’re somebody in mine, so I’m hoping everything the best works out for you. This one’s for you!

Take every little piece of every little design you’ve ever done, and piece it together (possibly actually) into a full design piece that is a giant sculpture of one of Chihiro’s stone totems (the one from Spirited Away). Then, enter the dream world. Here, you can design, imagine, and create instantly. It’s how I’m writing and coming up with all of these ideas since that day. I took over, and it’s your chance to take over. You can become like a stone angel, a living legend like you once were. This is to you, Socrates!




Kill yourself. Kill your self through your creation. Your katharsis is waiting for you. Imagine a sun so explosive that you just die because of it. You die, a thousand times over and become so bright that everyone is at your mercy. (Power trip)




Maybe there’s more to you than meets the eye (maybe me maybe you). There’s a thousand lines and a thousand miles littered throughout your eyes. They cross and intersect at a million points, all where you can meet someone. If you’re not meeting someone just imagine for 5 minutes meeting the most amazing people in your eyes, your mind, your soul. Reconnect to the larger part of your soul and imagine them all coming back to you. When you are ready you will meet them. You can also daydream of light it with a candle. Imagine people meeting people at these intersects and then light it on fire with a flame. Boom you’re done! (Messing with me)!

(Layaway) book




Nevermind the toughness of life, it’s possible to become great! Simply imagine all your desires coming to you, even if they’re tough to get. Then, imagine inhaling them with a suction like a vacuum coming out of your mouth. You’re done!




Oh well. Well well. What do we have here? I might just have the thing you need to overcome your problems. But for now, rest. There are things coming that are different and strange, and the strangeness is where we find our gifts now. The world has changed it’s not so clear cut, there’s people that are altering reality. Just dive into yourself and do the best you can, you owe it to yourself.

(A meditation. Relax, relax your shoulders, your eyes, your mind. Pray to God like you’ve never prayed before. Simple imagine typing your prayers like Bruce Almighty typing fast on his meybaord. That movie is an Ode to God. Make your own Ode To God. A movie, if you will, and then become it. Your life is now God’s. Thank him, all the best my old friend :’) )




Please, and thank you. (A song)

Tell me whyd you have to go make it so complicated? I see the way you’re acting like somebody else gets me frustrated. You need light. Drink it up.




Quench your thirst with this drink! Eternal water of life! It is free for you. Do you not see what the Son of God has done for Us? He gave his Life so we may be one day Saved. The truth of the matter is, there are things in life that are beyond frightening. They do not mean harm, not in the same way you think, for that is Human Thinking. But, just like the voice in my head, they want something they cannot achieve, and so it causes suffering. If you release the need, it might just come to you. Let go! And let love. All the best my friendly enemies.



Recreation (Magnificus Replica - book of spells)

Revelation. (Insert quote)

Then, imagine Jesus returning in the greatest way possible. He Is The King. Even if i think i am something above him, I realize there is no way in hell that’s happening. You have to realize there are some things that are and some things that are not. And that is just one of them. Jesus is God! Rejoice! He is here for Us , forever. (let’s hope…if not we’re screwed! Seriously you don’t know the things I’ve seen and you need to pray for the smallest rock, atom, branch, and person. They need you more than you need God, and they don’t have a means to achieve it. So be Jesus for them! Alleluia!)




Superstar Nova Explosion! (A page worth of meditations)




There are only some things we are required for.


Utter Help

Ultimate (Valorant)

Upset Me.




Victory is yours!


Welcome Home

Welcome Back Home

We are Home.




Xerxes the destroyer.



Yet - I - Am

Yellow Hellow.




Zeina Heart. I want you.

Zest, zesty, zesterino. That’s how Ned Flanders would say it. What else would he say? “God is the man that makes the right hand. Don’t ever forget it.” But he would also say something like “Neighbourinodidlydino” so I don’t know what the hell I’m even writing about at this point. I should pass this over to Jesus Christ so he can fix it and write it in heaven. Seriously this got messed up so he doesn’t write it as his own words. It cPossibly should continue it but I don’t know (edit: a note)a

(I didn’t make it)

Fear. The fear of it. (Notes on guiding through)

Fear exists for a reason. It protects us, really, and it stops us from doing something wrong. The issue with me and this book is it was born in darkness, like bane, so the light is blinding. The fear of this book is to show us that a light can exist even in the darkest of times. So, accept it, and recognize it, and it will dissipate, and life will begin.


The next set. Darkness converted.


What in the hell happened here

(Holy shit this got ruined..can’t even make meditations like I did before)


the sun works for you


Union with the sun


the outreach past the solar system


the point of redemption

Garden of eden furniture

Preach love design

Heaven sent clothing

Fatherfather music

Harmony oxo games game systems

Alessandro umbrella

Magazine RAZR



Scripture writing books

Spirit books


Coeur colognes


Meditation of the Ages

Garden of eden furniture

Preach love design

Heaven sent clothing

Fatherfather music

Harmony oxo games game systems

Alessandro umbrella

Magazine RAZR



Scripture writing books

Spirit books


Coeur colognes


Abovethelaw jewelry

Wuvfromabove plush dolls and random stuff

Art fault skulla 

Modern promises

Books poetry by rembrandt 

Sigil art


3D design product design MANIFEST DESTINY




Ambient Soundscapes


Atman Savannah 

Fonts by Salazar

Flower Delirium





Hero 2

Books about consciousness

Manifest anything


Other ideas coded in writing

Light codes

Gamma beta delta Theta wave


Auto breather



Death rememptor

Gnosis redemptor

Sun Redemptor

Gravity motor

Endolectric revival system

Manipulate cellular regeneration

(Can be done with consciousness this can be done NOW!)

Infinite motor based on tetrahexehedral ether fluid…crystal form generating light and energy based on fluid basically fusion motor

Infinite energy device… liquid crystal batteries

World wallet



Force particles into reality



Lumos remote




Rocket powered spaceship battery powered..the matrix of the substrate of the ether

Inter dimensional portal (NEXUS)

Sun from hand

Head band for life

Heart chip

Eye chip

Encryptor chip

Nano combinak cells







Yumm e

Gumball os

Candii UI




Nexus. Deux


Meditation of the Ages

A meditation most important, for it calls to a collective need that we have all had for a century of time. We have long been desiring to be loved, to be filled, to be opened, to be heard and held, be the voice of God. We have been denied, because we knew that One Day, it would serve us well. So here it is.

The Meditation of the Ages.

Open your heart. And I mean really, open your heart. Open it up. Feel it breathing. Your heart lives, separate from you, With God. It is separate, and yet one. It is the most beautiful part of you. It is the direct connection to the consciousness you call God, you call Love. Love will guide you from here on in.

Open your heart, with a sword, a sword called Light, it will pierce directly into your core, sucking out all the dark energies of the past, your fears, your worries, your hates, your jealousies, all of the dark things that haunted you in the past. Let it destroy everything that is not Good.

You are done. You may repeat this as many times as you want, for it is and will always be beneficial.


10 Step Process to Manifesting All the Money in the World

1. Guide yourself to your Higher Mind.

Using a boat visual, imagine the river of life leading you to the Source. Then, like jumping over a waterfall, jump into the void. This is the Higher Source of Consciousness, of All that Is.

From here, you can use any manifestational technique and create any reality at will depending upon the beliefs which allow you to believe it in your current physical reality. That is step two.

2. From that Higher perspective, catalogue your life like a library book, an autobiography if you will. You will be conceiving energy and pinpointing events that have led you to a negative belief towards money.

3. Imagine that in this book, you are literally leaping light onto the words of your past, rearranging them to change them. This is also useful in changing your life-path in the past towards any beliefs, if it is in alignment for you at the time.

4. Once you have ripped the pages from the book, burn them in the river of oblivion, and then reinscribe completely new words that fit your bill. If you are too afraid to use nomenclature, simply ask your Higher Self to bring those words into fruition in a meaningful sense.

5. Now that the book is done, close it, eat it, and manifest it. Through the threshold technique* you will be radiating out lines of light from your Heart Centre into the universe, allowing all those things to be formed at an instant in Your Reality.

6. Now that those things are formed “somewhere”, you must increase the vibrational frequency so much so that they permeate into your Current Physical Reality.

7. In order to do this, however, you have to destroy any other negative beliefs that get in a way. In a two-day process, you will spend time breaking down negative beliefs using a gestational fluid*, that breaks down negativity.

8. Once the fluid is done working, you will feel an awakening, an awakening to a new power. Here is when the Greatest Manifestational Technique Ever Conceived may take place.

9. A river turns to ice, not because it wills itself, but because God Wills itself. If you are God, you can will, through a manifestational void of density, to bring what you Will into fruition. How do you do this? well, onto step 10.

10. Linking with the Divine, Higher Mind, you envision, in tandem like a dance, the two counterpart minds co-creating a divine future, past, and present which fits your bill. Because you have gone through hell, those memories and beliefs are no longer necessary, and so, very similarly to the river of oblivion, you may enter a new Pyramid of Consciousness.

It is This Pyramid, created Specifically for You, which you can enter and from Within* create all that you Wish. However, to understand the pyramid you have to understand the merkabah. The pyramid is actually only a half to which a counterpart exists. Normally, in nature, and in man-nature, this pyramid is only constructed from above when it Should* Be constructed in tandem with a natural underground pyramid. The Underground pyramid is an organic observation that digs into the earth, not with a tool, but with love, carving a name that is Manifestation*, and your manifestation which is Manifestation Realized, will be realized.


New Game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Comousal)

2d platformer!!! for ethos!!!! chyeah! literally metroid!!111~~~

okay okay, how to separate this from that. it’s a shooter..and its goign to be like metroid. (cause i lurve it so much!!`111<3^_^^^^).

okay we need a new, etheric world.

lets call it nebulaic..and the name!!!!



what’s the premise

(this is going to be a crazy cool game, delved into a secret world in the nether regions of the universe...binary languages, archaic alien symbols...) completely alien, completely foreign. humanoid-like creature fighting some sort of “war”.

okay okay okay. backstory

guy named “Krelo”

is stationed at a shipyard (vast, incredible yard).

an explosion comes from one of the chambers, and an infestation floods in. a liquid enemy, which travels on the ground, absorbs and decays its enemies. an enemy like no other! fuark yeahhh.


story mechanics - it will be a movement “gif” like capture, resembling the actual game components, aka metroid intro with the x infecting, and a movie - like projection, like metroid again. just this time, instead of text it will be audio, and will including movie scenes as well - just not that long or intense or graphically content.


let’s talk about the main character


he’s an outcast, even mongst “men”.

what’s so special about him? in 4 words, his tenacity, wit, skill, and luck.

now lets describe him.

athletic build. green eyes, black body.

the suit he’s wearing is green, although and army green.

energetically, he is very quick, yet decisive.

what’s his story?

basically, its a simple story. born and raise on the original planet (naboo) -> he sought out to go to the army after school. his mission became simple, eradicate the universe of evil.

how did he find him self here?

through an unusual set of circumstances. this is actually a high class mission, like top secret. basically, somebody died short notice and they needed somebody to fill in. because he was near, and available, they chose him.



binary language called “Optimal”


where they’re stationed.

in a mine, on a foreign planet on a mission to retrieve “x”



1. explosion

2. learning

3. reconciliation

4. the fight

5. losing

6. alone

7. a friend

8. newfound powers

9. illusions

10. the real enemy (end)

so let’s talk about these

1. explosion is the start of the game. we learn about the enemy, what they’re after, and what they’re doing here (surprise surprise, same thing you’re after).

2. you learn the environment. after all, you are a new recruit.

3. you are reconciled with the enemy, which is actually just an advanced version of a plague you thought you wiped out before. you are just an army hire of specialst teams that is sent to protect the workers and scientists.

4. the fight begins - a full out assault with you and your teammates versus the enemy (cool part where online integration starts)

5. things start going downhill, supplies are lost (explosions), you’re losing, badly.

6. everybody’s dead.

7. you find somebody, from the science department. (A girl)

8. you find new powers.

9. you think the enemy is aqueous but actually they are...

10. parasitic! they are nano-spores working like a symbiotic organism. to destroy them you just need to activitate a frequency module onboard your ship. getting there however...

The Infiltratory Game - Agent X

So let’s start with the backstory. Who are you? You are Agent X. You used to have a name, but upon arrival on this earth, you have been this God-Given Nomenclature. It actually helps you achieve your mission, but you don’t know why.

So let’s start at the beginning. why are you here? back on your planet, there had been a decision to send a force to eradicate a certain collective dark group, which had been reaping the earth’s resources and using them to send out destructive force out in to the universe.

so, with a couple of others, you are sent and kind of transfulmgated (let’s say consciousness manifests) in a way that the past, present and future are kind of linked with you, creating “falsified” data and making a place in the world (thus, undetectable). Unfortunately, you cannot use these from within because they cause rifts which may disrupt their data recording equipment.

The only way to take them on from here is with action. So there are about 7 different centres on the earth at the time that you have to infiltrate. You are going to station 41. The way the systematic is setup is like a river, flowing out from a certain point. Unfortunately, you have been chosen to go to the main “Reactor”, the central hub. But also fortunately for you, because of it’s size, they have underestimated the ability to infiltrate and destroy it. you know the importance of your mission but know how hard it is going to be. Hence, why the telepathic mind will assist you.


* * * warrior clan.

there is a scene where it gives your initial vibe, your true nature, who you are at heart. you and your species, cause of course you’re alien. though, in order to keep people from knowing the truth you actually have to disguise this in a different way XD. So, we’ll use archaic symbolism from warrior indian clans like red bear? lol and indian chiefs, why not. so on your planet you use these powers for the good of mankind, protecting and using shamanism in order to heal. this keeps people from guessing the true story and focused on something closer to them, a culture they can relate to.

* * *

So how will this work? Well, of course, this is going to be first person but the way this is going to work is a non-linear based timeline. There are missions to be accomplished but they do not have to be sequential, because they are based on an intuitive basis, as well as in connection with your other Agents ( XYZ, etc). So, these missions are on kind of a bucket list of what to do, but some have to be done before you get to others because it could invalidate your mission.

You also have the ability to link up in a “tandem mission”. You can do all things on your own, but it is much more fun and healthy to do it with your other agents. So how will this work? You guys can actually do the same mission, but by working in tandem using communication you can figure out the solution. so lets say on one screen you can see their progress and place, as well as you can talk to them (a complete random stranger on the internet) - you have the ability to disconnect ofcourse, but in order to keep two people together, you have a point system. We’ll get to that later.

Anyways, onto the missions. We’ll have 3 tiers of missions. Silver, Golden, and Platinum. Platinum missions are the “final” missions, wherein they take over 3 hours each. golden=2, silver=30 min to 2 hours. Every mission has the ability to link up, so you know you’re never alone.

You can also redo every mission if you feel, based on a star rating system, and can increase your chances of success in the next missions. But how will that work? Well, let’s just say your resources pool in a kind of..pool lol that help you accumulate certain items, experience and knowledge that will allow you to enter different areas, take over different bosses and navigate better. For example, you may find an x-ray stealth vision that can help you see into other rooms and avoid taking time.


so let’s go to the level design. We’re going to be going into a dark grey, dark blue, scientific (And oddly , in a loving way, reminiscent of something else you’ve gone through).

So how will the story mechanic work.


Story Mechanic, the most revolutionary story mechanic ever.

It is a 3D Side- Scroller. Very similar to metroid prime, it will be based on a kind of...timed/held/arc creation line where there are an infinite number of possibilities leading to the end.

So let’s say you’re starting off, you’re entering a room and in the room there are 3 “bad guys”, that you have to take out.

At this point you can be approached with not only a timer (going in a circular motion), but also perhaps three (suggestions) as to what you can do. These will be choice active suggestions that suggest the easiest way to take out the next objective. Ofcourse, you can reject these and do whatever you want, in case you can think of a better wya.

Just like checkpoint games, it will automatically save after every major timeline arc (stages, chapters, levels etc). But, you have the option of saving in game at any point, creating a save point from wherever you start. (quicksave fcn).

* * *

Let’s start at the beginning.

You have an objective, and on your PDA (a blue device, very similar to the pda in doom, you can look at your current objective. it also shows a bunch of other information - weather, statistics, you can do sound checks, random shit for whatever reason cause its COOL!!!!)

so the way the story starts is its in darkness, lightning and whatever. You get on an army truck, disguised as one of the employees (your Will has given you the ability to have one chance at looking like one of them LOL!!!). You get passed the initial gate, and, you know that this is it.

A melodramatic music plays, its going to be a musical adventure.

* * *

Agent X Cont

Let’s talk about the HUD

clearly, we’re going to reinvent a few things, no?

let’s seeeeeee :)

health status isn’t going to based on a bar, it is going to a regerative, intuitive based system that pulses when you’re nearing death and regenrates naturally.

very limited weapon selection, main point of the game is perfecting fighting skills.

you can be clumsy, or perfect - teaching you the litearl art of martial arts.